Saturday, March 31, 2007

shoe shopping

Cat had "Girl's breakfast" this morning - which meant that golf was postponed until the afternoon. Being a nice day, I popped Joseph in the back-back and Grace in the buggy for a trip to Maddy & Mark's shoe shop in Marchmont - a 15-20 minute walk away. The purpose of this visit was a little foolhardy - and in retrospect just plain stupid. Thinking that girls like shopping - and shoe shopping in particular, I thought it a good idea to get Grace some new shoes. I also believed that this might earn me brownie points on the domestic front. Yes....I'm laughing as I write this at the naivety of it all.

Grace was in an uncompromising mood - not liking anything she tried (can't think who she gets that from) - so we went away a little embarrassed that I'd been unable to spend any money in a friends new shop.....maybe her mother will have more joy.

Followed that by a much more successful visit to Toast - a cafe round the corner, where we had a super lunch. Must go back there - but without the kids...

Played golf with Andrew Senew at 3pm - played 14 holes finishing with a halved match in a scrappy game.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy 65th Birthday Grandpa!

Happy Birthday Grandpa! Hope you are enjoying your holiday with Grandma, Dom, Liz & Abigail & Jemima in Florida. Just make sure you don't eat too many of those pancakes! Grace coloured in the card above & I managed to "persuade"Joseph to pose for a photo (if you actually read this).

We are all thinking of you - especially now that you can have reached retirement age! We'll be having a significantly less exciting day than you - taking Grace to a swimming lesson this afternoon - and maybe a visit to a park this morning. I guess you'll be in shorts and t-shirts in Disney World - or some such other theme park...

Hope you have a great day - and look forward to seeing all of your (or Dom's) photos when you get back - and I guess the next time you'll be up here with us will be to meet your newest (and last!) grandchild....

lots of love
Jake, Catrin, Grace & Joseph

Thursday, March 29, 2007

end of term

It was the end of session 2 of the parliament - which had a holiday feel to it. Our office headed out to the Filling Station for lunch. Picked up G & J from nursery as Cat is in Greenock. A joiner came this evening to fix the doors.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

new carpet and new cousin

New carpet fitted today. Catrin left in charge. I waited nervously at work.....We swapped mid-afternoon as Cat had to go to work - signing of accounts in the trillions - or something like that. She looked a little frazzled.

Got home to discover the carpet was better than I'd expected - 3 doors need to be shaved off (I could only just squeeze in the front door) - but both Grace & Joseph seemed to be very pleased with the soft landing for their acrobatics...I then spent the evening putting the room back together.

Other news today - Joseph & Grace have a 9th cousin - a boy (as yet unnamed) born this morning to Anita & Ioan. Congratulations! I believe he arrived a week late. That means the boy/girl count is now 3-6.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the hall is now flat....

Had a joiner in today to prepare the hall for the carpet that gets fitted tomorrow. It's now very flat (the floorboards were not even so the carpet had waves in it).

Cleared the sitting room of everything bar the tv and sofa - as it's also getting carpeted.

Monday, March 26, 2007

British summer time

The clocks went back at the weekend - meaning it's now an hour lighter in the evenings - and psychologically it makes a world of difference. Cycling home in the freezing dark when it's chucking it down, along with a force 10 gale and pedestrians with ipods (so they can't hear you shout) and cars (who can see you but take pleasure in running you off the road) is not a lot of fun.

This evening was glorious and the cylce home was almost very enjoyable (would have been even better if it wasn't uphill).

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Grace on a swing! (yes I know it's neither Grace nor is there a swing)

No maxi bubbles for me this morning - so a chance to hear a sermon. Joseph only slept for an hour at lunch - so to keep the grumpiness at bay we headed out in the car - to where we knew not.....

We viewed a house on Grange Road - which was very nice but too small. Then I could barely contain my excitement as we went to Mothercare at the Fort - Catrin decided that she needed a "few things" for the new baby to be at least partly prepared.... I remembered that the last time we went looking for a sofa, we bought a car, so kept a tight hold of my wallet.

Harrison park was to be our final stop - where for only the 2nd time, we managed to persuade Grace to go on a swing - it's only taken 4 years.....after some very gentle pushing, she actually discovered that swings are in fact good fun - and not designed as a method of torture- she was even talking about going on them again. Joseph was full of beans today - this has been about the first time he's not been ill for 3 consecutive weeks - and what a difference it makes. He's very cute (as opposed to an 'orrible little toe-rag....maybe we'll not put him on ebay after all.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

more Cinderella

Up early for a medal this morning but Joseph was already up - which meant a 5.30 start. Glorious morning in East Lothian - but my golf didn't match it. 83-8-75. Pick up Catrin and the children from the park on Falcon road gardens - next to a very nice primary school- St Peter's which is brand spanking new. Why are we not looking at this one? Catrin then heads out after a quick lunch to the hairdresser- while JoJo sleeps - and Grace & I watch Cinderella again....twice! See comments earlier for my thoughts on this. I took Joseph out in backpack to Morningside & Bruntsfield - and try as I might, fail to spend any money. Bath with G&J then put them to bed. Cat & I collapse in front of TV exhausted (and grumpy).

Friday, March 23, 2007

Les & May

Pop to Braid rd where Les & May are house-sitting for ma friend - they're also looking after Ellie - their grand-daughter.

In the afternoon, Grace goes for her usual swimming lesson at the commonwealth pool.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

when cream isn't cream

Cat went to Birmingham at 5.45 this morning. She woke me up in the process - but just to make sure, she had to come back in after leaving and turn on the light as she couldn't find her wallet. That ought to do it....... The decorator had been today to paint the kitchen. I have to confess that my initial reaction to the colour was not one of unbridled joy - it's more yellow than cream - (it's Farrow & Ball cream, if you're interested) and while the colour itself is excellent - it actually makes the cabinets look cheaper (they were neither cheap nor expensive). But having put up a few pictures and sorted the kitchen out, I'm now sitting here feeling quite smug - it's got a warmer feel to it than the lilac. I picked up the kids from nursery and fed and watered them. Joseph is in great form - his walking is improving day by day - and he's really pleased with himself. Also spoke to Meriel - catching up with their news - Stu was unsurprisingly out. Maybe we'll get to see them for 30 mins when they're passing on the way to camp or a wedding.....!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

1st steps

This evening was the first real series of steps that Joseph has made - for the last couple of weeks he's made up to 4 steps on his own, before falling on his bum - but he's been unable to get up without the aid of a chair, sofa, person etc. Last night and today he's "mastered" this art - and I think he'll soon be off and running - this photo was a series of 10-12 steps - and he was well chuffed with himself.

Tim skyped me this evening - it's the first time we've spoken in ages - this is what parenthood does to you!

Joseph was taken to Sick Kids for his final check-up - with the whole reflux thing - and we've been told that his immune system is not the best - but it's nothing to worry about - normal for a small child.... I'm now clearing the kitchen while Cat babysits at Phil & Fi's - we've got a painter coming tomorrow to paint the kitchen - from lilac to a quieter (and hopefully lighter) posh farrow & ball cream.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Shiona - some news....

Catrin very busy at work today so I got drafted in to pick the kids up from nursery....this is normally the worst part of the day - with 2 tired and hungry and grumpy children (at least that's what Catrin tells me). I must be doing something right as both were well behaved and gave no no grief (apart from a small episode of Joseph puking all over the hallway carpet - but luckily (and I shudder when I say that) - I managed to catch (yes - catch) most of it - which was the milk he'd just drunk some 3 minutes before. Once again, I was glad that our new carpet doesn't go down for another week - although I am wondering the wisdom of this bearing in mind that Joseph has crapped and puked on it within the last couple of weeks - and another little toe-rag will be arriving within the next few weeks.......

Did some catching up with folk this evening - phoning both my eldest brother, my mother (on skype) - (and yet again she managed to hang up on me), as well as Shiona - who was surprised when I told her we were expecting number 3.....I thought that our Christmas letter was fairly self-explanatory - but evidently she either never got it or Tim had never passed it on.....I was hoping that they would tell me that the transition from 2-3 children was a breeze. I was to be disappointed. Where did I put that gun?.....

Monday, March 19, 2007

cleaning before the cleaner arrives

Catrin was in a grumpy mood this evening. It seems that we have to clean up before the cleaner arrives. I wonder if someone could do my job at work before I get in to the office. I think the fact that Match of the Day was on instead of Eastenders didn't help.....

Sunday, March 18, 2007

if I have to watch Cinderella one more time....

Grace is going through a Cinderella phase at the moment - she must have watched the dvd 12-15 times in the last week. If I see Cinderella again I think I'll 'd out lose the plot.....

I was on Maxi Bubbles this morning where there were only about 10 children- very manageable. It was Joseph's 1st time in mini bubbles- and he seemed to be doing well until I made a schoolboy error and popped my head round. That was when he promptly burst in to tears and from that point there was nothing I or anyone else could do to appease him - until his mum was brought out of church to come to the rescue. Talking of mum's - it's mothers day today - and I was under no pressure whatsoever to get flowers for the mother of my children. Luckily, Tesco's still had some left when I popped in this morning to get biscuits for maxi bubbles - or else our 3rd child might never have met his/her father....

Afternoon was spent on family swim at the commonwealth pool - courtesy of Grace's birthday.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

high winds (and I don't mean under the duvet)

Up very early this morning - played golf with Willy (starting on 10th). Weather was wild - bit I managed to shoot a 76 (which I was absolutely delighted about) and managed to win twice in one game (2&1 v Willy) and 2&1 v Willy & Jim (playing with the Rage).

In the afternoon, we headed to Stockbridge to get paint from Farrow & Ball shop - where they were very snooty. Had I been in a bad mood, I'd have probably walked out - how can you be snobby about paint? but we really couldn't be bothered.....Grace demanded that we went to a park - so we popped to Blackhall where Joseph and Grace had a good time.

Phil & Fi came over for dinner in the evning - I made a Lamb casserole with Flagelot beans. Yum.

Friday, March 16, 2007

man shops with 2 children shocker

I took a very brave decision this morning - deciding to take both children into town as I had a couple of errands that I needed to so. I've been collecting change for the past 6 months or so - with a view that I'd buy an ipod (which I have now done). I took all my silver in this morning with Joseph & Grace - to pour all this lovely money in the machine - only I nearly broke stopped counting my cash and died. After getting one of their staff to give it the kiss of life (which took a few minutes) they finally got it working and I offloaded all my heavy coins.

We then went to White Stuff where I returned the birthday present that Cat bought which replaced the 1st present she bought....

Bought a card and voucher for mum which she'll hopefully get tomorrow for mother's day. We also saw some police horses which were very friendly but Grace refused to stroke as she was terrified...she later told me that she thought they were donkeys....Joseph however, was delighted to see them.

Our usual Starbucks trip followed- where Joseph ate everything in site - he does like his paninis and apple & cinnamon muffins...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

a shoe can make or break your day

One shoe can make or break your day. We couldn't find Grace's shoe this morning - one of her "flashing trainers". I won't go into too much detail - but there was some choice words (from Catrin) a lot of tears (from Grace) and plenty of exasperation (from me). Joseph, and innocent bystander also burst into tears as he felt left out.

I've not seen Catrin this grumpy for a while - and was glad to see her slam the door on her way to work. We did eventually find Grace's shoe (on top of her wardrobe) - where I was informed (by Grace) that that was where mummy had put it...everyone was already late for work or nursery and the day hadn't got off too well...

In the evening, mummy was made to apologise for her outrageous behaviour and bad language - something that I am more prone to (much to Grace's amusement). Thankfully, we're now all friends....for now.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

pizza express

Had the pleaseure of Catrin & the children's company for lunch at Pizza Express on Holyrood Road today. The service however, was very slow - and we were the first people in there! This meant that they didn't get a tip....Having said that, the food was very good - and Joseph really liked the "dough balls".

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Joseph was, as expected, quite horrible last night. He was up several times - and both Catrin and I have agreed that "something must be done" - although quite what the heck we can do, I don't know. Can hardly threaten a pocket money cull.....As it was, there were 2 very tired and grumpy parents.

Vicky (from nursery) picked up the terrible 2some this evening - something that she does every 3-4 weeks or so, when she's on an early shift. What a difference it makes! Both children came home earlier - at about 4.30 and get fed and watered and are a pleasure to be around....we had asked Vicky (who both Grace & JoJo love to bits) to consider a nanny position with us, but sadly she's off to Australia for a whole year in the summer. Grace will be crushed when she finds out.

Catrin did discover that Vicky now has a boyfriend - and, with that glint in her eye, she thought this might be just the window to keep her in Edinburgh....

Monday, March 12, 2007

to sack or not to sack

Catrin is good at many things - but sacking people is not one of them. She's been putting off getting rid of our cleaners for a few weeks now (not because they're not any good - but because they are £10 more each week than the ones we have employed) - and who start on Wednesday. If this isn't done within the next 24hrs - there will be a very embarrassing situation with 2 sets of cleaners (along with Betty who we have half sacked and still comes to do the ironing) all turning up on the same least the place will be clean!

Joseph was a complete nightmare this evening - as bad as he's been - screaming the place down for a good couple of hours. The new cleaner arrived to have a look round to what she's let herself in for. She starts tomorrow - so watch this space. Catrin did "sack" the previous cleaners - a job that she didn't enjoy doing.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

a full night's sleep & sunday lunch

Went to bed at 10pm - yes we were both completely knackered and got a full night's sleep. Can't remember the last time that happened - but when I was woken at 5am by Joseph (only for a couple of minutes as he drifted off again a few minutes later) - I felt ready to face the day.

We were supposed to have Fiona MacDonald and Andrea (new children's director) from church coming for lunch today. I was on Maxi Bubbles - which was chaotic but fun - but Fiona told me that Andrea was off sick and she wasn't feeling that great either....having prepared a large casserole this morning - we might need we asked Vicky from Maxi Bubbles who duly obliged - and Fiona seemed to be on good form. We had a very pleasant lunch and wondered why we hadn't invited anyone round for a while. We have said we will remedy this....

Dom & Liz's present for Grace arrived in mysterious circumstances - it was left in the stairwell by our front door - on a Sunday?! - but no-one had rung the doorbell to let us know. Anyway, suffice to say Grace was delighted with the Charlie & Lola dvds - and that's what we're watching as I write this.

The evening was spent watching series 2 of the West Wing....

Saturday, March 10, 2007

what a night....

Someone please make me an offer for my son - it doesn't need to be much - but I'll take it. Poor Joseph was up at 1, then 5 then 6.30 this morning. After last night's puking episode I guess this was hardly surprising, the poor chap must have been hungry and thirsty. However, this meant that we didn't get much sleep - and I had the lion share of baby duties (at least that's my recollection).

Being a parent is often about who can flinch last. When your child is screaming the place down - to the extent that even your neighbours are banging on the wall, you're lying in bed - hoping that your beloved who is still "sleeping" beside you will get up to tend to the little shit. Both of us are experts at feigning sleep - lying motionless in the hope that the person you married has a lower frustration threshold than you to go and throw a dummy in the babies mouth - along with a feed - or whatever else is necessary (in my case, it's usually masking tape). Unfortunately for me - I am a very light sleeper - a mouse can fart 3 streets down the road and it'll wake me - and heaven forbid if someone turns on a light in the house opposite....

Hardly surprising then that my golf wasn't great - and a competition too. However, after a 1st hole disaster - which I'm not going to repeat here, for fear of it doing lasting damage to my confidence, I played pretty well - and the weather was so atrocious that it will be a non-counting medal anyway.

Friday, March 09, 2007

chunder city

Had a very busy morning - popped to royal mail sorting office to pick up one of Grace's presents which had been there a few days. Grace was very pleased with her party shoes from Uncle Quentin & Auntie Lynn - but the shoes were about 4 or 5 sizes too big! She'll probably fit in them when she's 7!

I had to pop to work to do an hours work - so Grace & Joseph were put into the creche - there were 4 children there so they had the place to themselves - but Grace was a bit sheepish.

We then rushed back as we were meeting Heather for coffee at Starbucks - who I'd not seen in a couple of years - it was good to see her - but Starbucks was absolutely mobbed with mothers and babies - what did people do before it arrived?

It's 9pm and Joseph has just chundered all over the sofa in the sitting room - any doubts as to whether we'd be keeping it have been well and truly dispelled as the sofa smells of cream cheese - I'm not sure it's even worth cleaning it - some of the cushions might go straight in the bin....hope mum & dad don't read this as the sofa used to belong to them and was much loved.....heck, maybe they'll want it back?!!!

This followed a successful afternoon at the commonwealth pool where I bumped into Katie Bachler and Helen Oxenham. But Joseph puked for me after he'd had some milk and then just so he could show mummy - he promptly did it all over her (and the sofa) later in the evening. I nearly threw up myself - the smell was so bad.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

morningside glory

Went to see a house this evening - 1 Shandon Crescent (which isn't top of our places to live) - a very nice property which would suit us - main problem is parking was a bit of a nightmare - especially with the new tank we've just bought and schooling.....I've said we'll pop back for a 2nd visit - but I'm not sure now is the right time to buy - with #3 just round the corner.

Then had a very enjoyable evening at the Morningside Glory - which was the first time I'd been there - with Phil where we had a good discussion about life the universe and everything else.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

don't crap on the carpet!

Got a quote from the decorator today - and I think we may just get the kitchen done for the time being.....the hall will have to wait. John Lewis have also given us a date to lay carpets - 28 March - so we'll need to ensure that by Joseph's well trained and won't leave any surprises around the flat- on our nice new carpet....

Made my 1st Gumtree sale this evening - 2 chaps with a van came and picked up our Ikea wardrobe and chest of drawers - I think they got a bargain at £50 for the pair - but I was pleased that they've been recycled for £50, rather than put on a skip for nothing....

Now watching tv and finding myself shouting at people who are "size zero" - I'd rather be watching Grand Designs...but Catrin has the remote.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

golf on gumtree

Already got a bid for one of my golf clubs which I've put on Gumtree - this could prove to be addictive and I might end up selling the children's toys, then their clothes and finally the little monsters themselves...

Watched Liverpool v Barcelona this evening - after Phil came round to help me put the 3 seater sofa out for the council to collect. Our sitting room suddenly seems quite empty.....

Cat has read this blog for the first time and told me to say that Joseph's first words are (and I quote): "Bugger, bugger, bugger".....clucking bell is beyond him at the moment.

Monday, March 05, 2007

4 going on 16

Grace is 4 today. It seems like longer than that. The fairy music box went down very well - and was taken to nursery with her. They made her a cake and had party games so she had a good day.
When I got back this evening, Joseph had done a little something for mummy & daddy in the sitting room - this is about the 4th time this week. Any chance of getting his kit off and he's away. When it all goes quiet you know you're in a heap of trouble...I blame Catrin (and told her). However - I was grateful for sanded floors.

Quentin & Lynne phoned just as this crisis happened - I'm just glad the new carpet goes down in a couple of weeks time. Amazingly, all the Jones' clan have come up trumps this year - even Ioan & Anita remembered - with presents arriving on the day or beforehand - Catrin must have given them a right good bollocking last year. My lot haven't fared so well - stuff is "on its way" and the internet is being blamed.....hmmmm. I didn't even get cards from my brothers - useless buggers!

Had a skype call from mum - unable to get it working (again) - but did persuade Grace to come and talk to them after she'd sent a fart of such magnitude that houses in Ludlow shook. Told them about this blog - which I'm not sure was such a good idea....someone might actually read it!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

day out in the rain

Not on Maxi Bubbles this morning - a welcome break - so managed to hear a sermon for 2 consecutive weeks. After church, our cunning plan was to head out to the beach in East Lothian. This would have been a great idea, had we brought our wetsuits - but Grace wanted to try out her new scooter.....anyway 2 minutes was as much as we managed as it was not only wet - but also baltic and there was a force 10 gale blowing. Still, at least it gave me the chance to give a proper run-out - it's surprisingly comfortable - and the kids seem to like being able to see a lot more.

Joseph finally managed his first tentative steps today - alleluia! He was well chuffed with himself.

Discovered gumtree website (part of ebay group) - and have managed to sell wardrobe and chest of drawers which I'm chuffed about - just as long as the guy turns up with the cash and takes the stuff away....

Check out the chest of drawers and the wardrobe.

£25?! A bargain!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Grace's birthday party

Grace thinks she's 4 today - and there's no telling her any different.

The one chance of a lie-in (Joseph actually slept most of the night - except for a quick swig of milk at about 5am) - but I had to get up to drive Robert & Nesta to the airport at 7.15. To be fair - I was quite keen to take the new car for a drive as we've only done about 30 miles in it.

Grace's party was an unqualified success (after the nightmare punch-up of last year). Clambers was fun, easy and stress-free - the children even behaved themselves. I had a fab time drowning kids in the ball pool and going down the slides - they should open it for adults only on certain days.....
Atendees (for fond rememberance in future years) were: Katriona, Rosie, Emily, Hannah, Sophie, Sally, Phoebe, Jude, Angus, Burty & Louis (12 including Grace) - Poppy (Angus' sister)gatecrashed - and of course Joseph was also there - along with Vicky who was looking after/entertaining the little monsters.
Only 17 more to go before she's officially off our hands....

Friday, March 02, 2007


After the bombsite of the last couple of days - finally started to make a bit of clearance today - the new furniture (3 door wardrobe & chest of drawers) for Joseph's room arrived and was assembled while I was out in town with Joseph.
We popped to the new shiny HSBC on Princes Street and I got rid of £135 of £1 coins - a great weight of my back. Then spent all the money I had collected over 6 months (along with birthday cash) for a Bose ipod docking station - which is very cool. JoJo & I had a lunch at Starbucks in town.

Grace & I went swimming in the afternoon - the place is like a sauna - but it was nice to be able to get in the pool, rather than sweat by the side of it - as JoJo was at home with the outlaws.
Managed to tidy up before Cat came back - and Joseph's room looks considerably better - we can actually see the floor!

Nesta baked 2 cakes for the party tomorrow - the first went a bit wrong - but was saveable. Grace then iced it with mummy when she got back in the evening.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Birthday Boy

35 today - and even managed to keep it quiet at work until mid-afternoon - when they produced a couple of bottles of bubbly - God bless 'em.
Phoned home - dad has bought himself an ipod - and sounds like a kid in a sweetshop - welcome to the 21st century!

"Celebrated" (if that's what you do with the passing years off) by going out for a very enjoyable meal with Cat at the Grain Store. Town was very busy - apparently Thursday night is the new Friday night...we are all in denial.